Friday, January 8, 2016

Prepare Yourself

The expectations of life 

depend upon diligence; 
the mechanic 
that would 
perfect his work 
must first sharpen his tools
                                   - Confucius


What you do not    
want others to 
do to you, 
do not do to others
                       - Confucius

Never Give up

Our greatest glory is 
not in never falling, 
in rising every time 
we fall
                  - Confucius

Too far and Too short

To go too far is 
as bad as to fall short
                       - Confucius


A man 
who has committed 
a mistake 
doesn't correct 
it is committing another mistake
                                       - Confucius

Highest Thing

Faithfulness and sincerity
are the highest things
                              - Confucius


It is not possible 
for one to teach others 
who cannot teach 
his own family
                  - Confucius


I am not concerned

I am not known, 
I seek 
to be worthy 
to be known
                     - Confucius

Strength of Nation

The strength of a 
nation derives 
from the integrity 
of the home
                    - Confucius


The parents age 
must be remembered, 
both for joy and anxiety
                                              - Confucius

Death and Life

Death and life 
have their determined appointments; 
riches and honors 
depend upon heaven
                          - Confucius


The wheel of fortune 
turns round incessantly, 
who can say to himself, 
I shall today be uppermost
                                - Confucius

The Father son Relation

The father 
who does not teach 
his son his duties is 
equally guilty 
with the son 
who neglects them
                                   - Confucius

Faults & Amendments

The real fault is to 
have faults 
not amend them
                     - Confucius

The Sun and The Moon

The faults of a superior person  
are like the sun and moon. 
They have their faults, 
everyone sees them; 
they change 
everyone looks up to them
                                        - Confucius


Not to alter 
one's faults is to be 
faulty indeed
                    - Confucius

Faults and Fear

When you have faults, 
do not 
fear to abandon them
                                         - Confucius

Fool and Wise Man

A fool despises 
good counsel, 
a wise man 
takes it to heart
                    - Confucius


Love thy neighbor as thyself,

Do not to others 
what thou 
wouldn't not wish be done to thyself: 
Forgive injuries. 
Forgive thy enemy, 
be reconciled to him, 
give him assistance, 
invoke God in his behalf
                                        - Cofucius

Self Developement

The perfecting of 
one's self is the fundamental 
base of all progress 
all moral development
                                  - Confucius


Have no friends 
not equal to yourself
                         - Confucius

The Persuasion and Happiness

We take 
greater pains to persuade 
we are happy 
than in trying to think 
so ourselves to be with the god
                                        - Confucius


Ignorance is the 
night of the mind, 
but a night 
without moon or star
                         - Confucius

The Man on the Hill

Man who stand on hill with mouth open will wait long time for roast duck to drop in
                                 - Confucius

The Recompense

Recompense injury with justice, and recompense kindness with kindness
                                  - confucius